Three Questions You Should Be Asking This Fall

Question 1: Is my current equipment able to deliver a profitable Fall menu?

As we move into the next season, you will more than likely be adapting your menu to reflect favorite items that your customers demand.   This could include different smoothie flavors, a move from cold to hot beverages, more hot dishes and cooked items as opposed to lighter summer offerings.

Many of these menu items require grills, ovens and dispensers that are able to handle larger volumes of cooked foods and multiple beverage options.  In addition, Fall and Winter menus often require additional labor to process these menu items.

New advanced kitchen equipment is designed to handle year-round menus, reduce the pressure on labor and adapt products accordingly at the touch of a button such as the Lainox Naboo, Taylor Grills and Taylor Frozen Beverage Freezers.   The new technologies support your aim of consistently creating dishes that deliver on quality every time – often a major headache for foodservice operators.


Question Two: Am I able to absorb higher wages while delivering customer satisfaction?

The minimum wage is the #1 topic of debate across the USA and particularly in the Pacific Northwest where the food service sector has been the most affected.  This is a time for operators to consider new ways of delivering a menu in order to reduce costs and any negative knock-on pricing effect to customers.   New food service equipment is designed to be more efficient and effective in helping to reduce the amount of manpower required; thereby reducing overall wage costs.  In addition, the equipment is able to improve the throughput and ticket times while addressing the reality of rising labor rates we are rapidly seeing in the kitchen.  For example, it is possible to cook a whole recipe at the touch of a button e.g. Lainox Naboo or Taylor Grill.  Cook-and-hold technologies allow for overnight cooking of items that have historically required a cook on premise and overseeing the cooking of roasts, entrees, etc.  Sophisticated smoothie and milkshake machines are able to dispense quality, tasty products with a traditional flavor profile at the touch of a button rather than requiring intensive manpower.  New blenders such as the MagnaBlend incorporate a rinse station for speedier service where signature recipes can be uploaded from a laptop to create consistent quality smoothies avoiding the need to mix complex blends by hand.


Question 3: Is my Fall and Winter menu plan delivering on what the customer wants?

The millennial generation is focused on sourcing locally, healthful and natural ingredients as well as seasonal ingredients.  This is filtering to the street fast as specials boards on sidewalks boast smoothies and desserts that feature regional ingredients and menu items that include locally sourced meats, fish and produce.  Factor these into your menu to stand-out and drive footfall.  Fall offers a range of tempting on-trend produce and ingredients and in the Pacific Northwest there is a plentiful choice such as blackberries, blueberries, beets, cauliflower, eggplant, beef, seafood – the list goes on.   Whether you are a fine dining restaurant, café, food service or quick service operation, locally sourced and seasonal product can be integrated into your menu – whether as tempting specials or as permanent menu fixtures.


DSL Northwest has significant experience of working with leading foodservice operators across the Pacific Northwest to increase efficiencies and optimize menus in order to appeal to a new generation of restaurant goers.  To optimize your own operation, call the team at DLS Northwest for a free consultation and let’s focus on improving your bottom line together.


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